Monday, 28 October 2013

Do you suffer from canker sores?

If you are a victim of recurring canker sores, there are a few things you can do to naturally relieve and heal these annoying sores.
First off, it may be a good idea to address the issue as to "why" you are getting them. Sometimes it may be linked to food allergies and especially gluten sensitivity. It might be a good idea to have a "delayed onset" food allergy test to see if that may be a and gluten sensitivities play a role in all sorts of body ailments and "disease".
Nutritional deficiencies may also be a culprit....some people are lacking important amino acids and B vitamins. Find foods that you can regularly supplement your diet with.
Stress and hormonal imbalances...if this is you, examine your lifestyle and make some important changes. (faulty nutrition, stimulants (excessive alcohol, caffeine, white sugar), poor sleeping habits, being too busy to take important time to relax, negative thought life, stressful job &/or home).
An acidic body......Make sure your diet contains PLENTY of alkaline foods! (see my blog on body alkalinity)
Sodium Lauryl Sulphate in your toothpaste can also cause recurring canker sores....switch to a natural brand, but BE CAREFUL. Most natural brands you find at the health food store still have SLS in the ingredients! Read the labels..if you are unsure, ask.

Here are a few natural remedies you can do to heal these suckers once they appear!
- Myrhh essential oil or tincture....apply directly to sore or mix with a little warm water and swish in mouth. (repeat a few times a day)
- Goldenseal tincture...mix with warm water and swish in mouth (repeat a few times a day)
- Licorice root....steep herb (root) for about 20-30 min in hot water as you would a tea. let cool and use as a mouth rinse (repeat a few times a day) Can also try a chewable licorice root tablet. (DGL)
- Sage tea...Steep herb in hot water for 20-30 min.....use as a mouth rince. (repeat a few times a day)
- Raw these regularly to help healing as they contain beneficial sulpher.
- Oil pulling....beneficial for healing mouth conditions. My "Ultimate Puller" includes calendula, myrhh, & oregano! Click Here

Other beneficial remedies to try as well....Taking Acidophilus capsules or eating Kefir, Calendula flower tea (as a mouth rinse), Alfalfa herb tea (as a mouth rinse), Salt water rinse, eating raw garlic, Tea tree essential oil (can mix along with myrhh), drinking fresh carrot juice (supplies beneficial beta carotene which converts to healing Vit A)